Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission
Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission
The Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission works to inspire and educate individuals to prevent litter, recycle and keep Arkansas beautiful.
Created by Act 1278 of 1997, the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission operates as a division of the Arkansas Department of Parks, Heritage and Tourism and is one of four state agencies that share proceeds from the Amendment 75 1/8-cent Conservation Tax. Our 1 percent of the 1/8-cent tax provides an annual budget of about $1.4 million. The commission consists of nine governor’s appointees; the executive director and a two-person staff manage our operations. The commission’s operation is directed by a staff of three and implemented statewide by volunteers.
Laurie Blackwell Black, Chair
Representing Congressional District 1
Carol Lloyd, Vice-Chair
Representing Congressional District 4
Brenda Fendley
Representing Congressional District 1
Paula Linder
Representing Congressional District 3
Dr. Bethany Swindell
Representing Congressional District 3
Vacant Position
Vacant Position
Congressional District 2
Vacant Position
Congressional District 2
Vacant Position
Congressional District 2